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#!/usr/bin/python3 # Python REST CLI Tool, supporting classes # Nicholas Schmidt # 06 Mar 2021 # API Processing imports import requests # Command line validating imports from django.core.validators import URLValidator # JSON is how we import/export just about everything here... import json # Templates - use these to apply variables to URIs from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader # System calls for crashing import sys # Begin Supporting Classes class Settings: # Initial Variable Settings # settings_file = { "settings": { "authentication": { "method": "basic", "certificate": "", "key": "", }, "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "X-Allow-Overwrite": "true", }, "tls": {"validation": False}, "verbosity": 1, "endpoint": "", }, "plays": {}, "errors": { "200": ["OK", "Request fulfilled, document follows"], "201": ["Created", "Document created, URL follows"], "202": ["Accepted", "Request accepted, processing continues off-line"], "203": ["Non-Authoritative Information", "Request fulfilled from cache"], "204": ["No Content", "Request fulfilled, nothing follows"], "205": ["Reset Content", "Clear input form for further input."], "206": ["Partial Content", "Partial content follows."], "300": ["Multiple Choices", "Object has several resources -- see URI list"], "301": ["Moved Permanently", "Object moved permanently -- see URI list"], "302": ["Found", "Object moved temporarily -- see URI list"], "303": ["See Other", "Object moved -- see Method and URL list"], "304": ["Not Modified", "Document has not changed since given time"], "305": [ "Use Proxy", "You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource.", ], "307": ["Temporary Redirect", "Object moved temporarily -- see URI list"], "400": ["Bad Request", "Bad request syntax or unsupported method"], "401": ["Unauthorized", "No permission -- see authorization schemes"], "402": ["Payment Required", "No payment -- see charging schemes"], "403": ["Forbidden", "Request forbidden -- authorization will not help"], "404": ["Not Found", "Nothing matches the given URI"], "405": [ "Method Not Allowed", "Specified method is invalid for this server.", ], "406": ["Not Acceptable", "URI not available in preferred format."], "407": [ "Proxy Authentication Required", "You must authenticate with this proxy before proceeding.", ], "408": ["Request Timeout", "Request timed out; try again later."], "409": ["Conflict", "Request conflict."], "410": ["Gone", "URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed."], "411": ["Length Required", "Client must specify Content-Length."], "412": ["Precondition Failed", "Precondition in headers is false."], "413": ["Request Entity Too Large", "Entity is too large."], "414": ["Request-URI Too Long", "URI is too long."], "415": ["Unsupported Media Type", "Entity body in unsupported format."], "416": ["Requested Range Not Satisfiable", "Cannot satisfy request range."], "417": ["Expectation Failed", "Expect condition could not be satisfied."], "500": ["Internal Server Error", "Server got itself in trouble"], "501": ["Not Implemented", "Server does not support this operation"], "502": ["Bad Gateway", "Invalid responses from another server/proxy."], "503": [ "Service Unavailable", "The server cannot process the request due to a high load", ], "504": [ "Gateway Timeout", "The gateway server did not receive a timely response", ], "505": ["HTTP Version Not Supported", "Cannot fulfill request."], }, } # Return as JSON def get_settings_json(self): return json.dumps(self.settings_file, indent=4) class Reliquary: # Initial Variable Settings # cogitation_verbosity = 0 cogitation_certvalidation = True cogitation_username = "" cogitation_password = "" cogitation_authkey = "" cogitation_authcert = "" cogitation_headers = "" cogitation_endpoint = "" cogitation_bibliotheca = {} cogitation_errors = {} # We're pretty much picking up our configuration data def __init__( self, input_settings, input_user=None, input_pass=None, input_endpoint=None ): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(input_settings, "r") as json_filehandle: json_settings = json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File: " + str(e)) exit() try: # Let's start with basic global settings self.cogitation_verbosity = json_settings["settings"]["verbosity"] # Provide the option to specify the endpoint with the constructor, or pull it from the file if input_endpoint and input_endpoint is str: self.cogitation_endpoint = input_endpoint else: self.cogitation_endpoint = json_settings["settings"]["endpoint"] # TLS Tuning self.cogitation_certvalidation = json_settings["settings"]["tls"][ "validation" ] # Authentication Settings self.cogitation_username = input_user self.cogitation_password = input_pass self.cogitation_authcert = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"][ "certificate" ] self.cogitation_authkey = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"]["key"] # Load Known API Actions self.cogitation_headers = json_settings["settings"]["headers"] self.cogitation_bibliotheca = json_settings["plays"] # Load HTTP Errors self.cogitation_errors = json_settings["errors"] except Exception as e: print("E0002: Error Loading Settings! Settings Dictionary:") print(json.dumps(json_settings, indent=4)) exit(str(e)) self.validate_url(self.cogitation_endpoint) # Functions # Do API DELETE, using basic credentials def do_api_delete(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_delete_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_delete_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_delete_r = requests.delete( do_api_delete_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_delete_r.status_code print(response_code) do_api_delete_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_delete_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_delete_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_delete_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Do API GET, using basic credentials def do_api_get(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_get_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_get_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_get_r = requests.get( do_api_get_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_get_r.status_code do_api_get_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_get_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_get_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_get_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Do API POST, using basic credentials def do_api_pass( self, do_api_uri, do_api_verb="GET", do_api_payload=False, do_api_dryrun=False ): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_r = requests.request( do_api_verb, url=do_api_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), json=do_api_payload, ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_r.status_code do_api_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_url, "do_api_verb": do_api_verb, "do_api_payload": do_api_payload, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Executor of the API calls. # Takes optional arguments (variables, payload) depending on which method is used def namshub( self, namshub_string, namshub_variables=False, namshub_dryrun=False, namshub_payload=False, ): # Sanitize the verb used to uppercase, fewer changes for mixup namshub_verb = self.get_play_verb(namshub_string).lower().upper() # URI is in JSON file namshub_resource = self.get_play_uri(namshub_string) # Grab the namshub payload from the json file, if it exists # If it already exists, you don't need to load it if not namshub_payload: namshub_payload = self.get_play_payload(namshub_string) # Test to see if either variables or payloads are required # If they're required and not present, don't proceed if self.get_play_requiresvariables(namshub_string) and not namshub_variables: sys.exit( "Error: Variables required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `--vars`" ) if self.get_play_requiresbody(namshub_string) and not namshub_payload: sys.exit( "Error: Payload required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `-b`" ) # Grab the variables, if it exists # From there, apply templates to whatever we can. if namshub_variables: namshub_variables = self.get_json_file_or_string(namshub_variables) namshub_resource = self.apply_template(namshub_resource, namshub_variables) # Check to see if the payload is a string before templating the payload if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is str: for i in namshub_variables: if i in namshub_payload: namshub_payload[i] = namshub_variables[i] # Make sure that the payload is a string before shippinng it to the API if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is not str: try: namshub_payload = json.dumps(namshub_payload) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Error processing API payload as " + str(type(namshub_payload)) + " " + str(e) ) # Now that the transforms, testing, pre-processing are done, let's send to an API! if namshub_verb == "GET": return self.do_api_get(namshub_resource, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun) elif namshub_verb == "POST" or namshub_verb == "PATCH" or namshub_verb == "PUT": return self.do_api_pass( namshub_resource, do_api_payload=namshub_payload, do_api_verb=namshub_verb, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun, ) elif namshub_verb == "DELETE": return self.do_api_delete(namshub_resource) else: sys.exit("Unsupported API verb " + namshub_verb + "!") # One-shot to apply templates to a given object string def apply_template(self, apply_template_template, apply_template_variables): try: j2template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string( apply_template_template ) return j2template.render(apply_template_variables) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Exception applying " + json.dumps(apply_template_variables) + " to " + apply_template_template + ". Error: " + str(e) ) def validate_url(self, validate_url_url): # 99% solution here is to validate that a URL provided is valid. This doesn't test it or anything validate = URLValidator() try: validate(self.cogitation_endpoint) except Exception as e: print('E0001: Invalid URL Formatting. Example: ""') exit(str(e)) def get_http_error_code(self, get_http_error_code_code): get_http_error_code_code = str(get_http_error_code_code) try: return json.dumps( self.cogitation_errors[get_http_error_code_code], indent=4 ) except KeyError: exit("Unknown HTTP Error Code: " + str(get_http_error_code_code) + " ") except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching HTTP Error code" + str(e)) # Fetch the URI for a given api call # Crash if it's not found def get_play_uri(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["uri"] except Exception as e: exit( "Exception fetching play URI: " + str(get_play_name) + ". Error: " + str(e) ) # Return JSON string from `dict` payload for a given api call if successful # If not, return false and don't crash if a KeyError is returned # This object has no value as a `dict`, because its sent to a REST endpoint directly def get_play_payload(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["payload"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch what RESTful verb is to be used for a given api call # Crash if it's not found def get_play_verb(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["method"] except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play method: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch whether or not an api call requires a file payload def get_play_requiresbody(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresbody"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch whether or not an api call requires variables def get_play_requiresvariables(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresvariables"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) def get_json_file(self, filename): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(filename, "r") as json_filehandle: return json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File " + filename + ": " + str(e)) exit() def get_json_file_or_string(self, input): # Recursive method to return a dictionary even if we're passed a dictionary if type(input) is dict: return input # Try to load as a string try: return json.loads(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) try: # If it fails as a string, try to load as a file return self.get_json_file(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) sys.exit( "Error: " + input + " is neither a valid JSON string or filename!" )
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class Settings: # Initial Variable Settings # settings_file = { "settings": { "authentication": { "method": "basic", "certificate": "", "key": "", }, "headers": { "content-type": "application/json", "X-Allow-Overwrite": "true", }, "tls": {"validation": False}, "verbosity": 1, "endpoint": "", }, "plays": {}, "errors": { "200": ["OK", "Request fulfilled, document follows"], "201": ["Created", "Document created, URL follows"], "202": ["Accepted", "Request accepted, processing continues off-line"], "203": ["Non-Authoritative Information", "Request fulfilled from cache"], "204": ["No Content", "Request fulfilled, nothing follows"], "205": ["Reset Content", "Clear input form for further input."], "206": ["Partial Content", "Partial content follows."], "300": ["Multiple Choices", "Object has several resources -- see URI list"], "301": ["Moved Permanently", "Object moved permanently -- see URI list"], "302": ["Found", "Object moved temporarily -- see URI list"], "303": ["See Other", "Object moved -- see Method and URL list"], "304": ["Not Modified", "Document has not changed since given time"], "305": [ "Use Proxy", "You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource.", ], "307": ["Temporary Redirect", "Object moved temporarily -- see URI list"], "400": ["Bad Request", "Bad request syntax or unsupported method"], "401": ["Unauthorized", "No permission -- see authorization schemes"], "402": ["Payment Required", "No payment -- see charging schemes"], "403": ["Forbidden", "Request forbidden -- authorization will not help"], "404": ["Not Found", "Nothing matches the given URI"], "405": [ "Method Not Allowed", "Specified method is invalid for this server.", ], "406": ["Not Acceptable", "URI not available in preferred format."], "407": [ "Proxy Authentication Required", "You must authenticate with this proxy before proceeding.", ], "408": ["Request Timeout", "Request timed out; try again later."], "409": ["Conflict", "Request conflict."], "410": ["Gone", "URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed."], "411": ["Length Required", "Client must specify Content-Length."], "412": ["Precondition Failed", "Precondition in headers is false."], "413": ["Request Entity Too Large", "Entity is too large."], "414": ["Request-URI Too Long", "URI is too long."], "415": ["Unsupported Media Type", "Entity body in unsupported format."], "416": ["Requested Range Not Satisfiable", "Cannot satisfy request range."], "417": ["Expectation Failed", "Expect condition could not be satisfied."], "500": ["Internal Server Error", "Server got itself in trouble"], "501": ["Not Implemented", "Server does not support this operation"], "502": ["Bad Gateway", "Invalid responses from another server/proxy."], "503": [ "Service Unavailable", "The server cannot process the request due to a high load", ], "504": [ "Gateway Timeout", "The gateway server did not receive a timely response", ], "505": ["HTTP Version Not Supported", "Cannot fulfill request."], }, } # Return as JSON def get_settings_json(self): return json.dumps(self.settings_file, indent=4)
settings_file = {'settings': {'authentication': {'method': 'basic', 'certificate': '', 'key': ''}, 'headers': {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Allow-Overwrite': 'true'}, 'tls': {'validation': False}, 'verbosity': 1, 'endpoint': ''}, 'plays': {}, 'errors': {'200': ['OK', 'Request fulfilled, document follows'], '201': ['Created', 'Document created, URL follows'], '202': ['Accepted', 'Request accepted, processing continues off-line'], '203': ['Non-Authoritative Information', 'Request fulfilled from cache'], '204': ['No Content', 'Request fulfilled, nothing follows'], '205': ['Reset Content', 'Clear input form for further input.'], '206': ['Partial Content', 'Partial content follows.'], '300': ['Multiple Choices', 'Object has several resources -- see URI list'], '301': ['Moved Permanently', 'Object moved permanently -- see URI list'], '302': ['Found', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'], '303': ['See Other', 'Object moved -- see Method and URL list'], '304': ['Not Modified', 'Document has not changed since given time'], '305': ['Use Proxy', 'You must use proxy specified in Location to access this resource.'], '307': ['Temporary Redirect', 'Object moved temporarily -- see URI list'], '400': ['Bad Request', 'Bad request syntax or unsupported method'], '401': ['Unauthorized', 'No permission -- see authorization schemes'], '402': ['Payment Required', 'No payment -- see charging schemes'], '403': ['Forbidden', 'Request forbidden -- authorization will not help'], '404': ['Not Found', 'Nothing matches the given URI'], '405': ['Method Not Allowed', 'Specified method is invalid for this server.'], '406': ['Not Acceptable', 'URI not available in preferred format.'], '407': ['Proxy Authentication Required', 'You must authenticate with this proxy before proceeding.'], '408': ['Request Timeout', 'Request timed out; try again later.'], '409': ['Conflict', 'Request conflict.'], '410': ['Gone', 'URI no longer exists and has been permanently removed.'], '411': ['Length Required', 'Client must specify Content-Length.'], '412': ['Precondition Failed', 'Precondition in headers is false.'], '413': ['Request Entity Too Large', 'Entity is too large.'], '414': ['Request-URI Too Long', 'URI is too long.'], '415': ['Unsupported Media Type', 'Entity body in unsupported format.'], '416': ['Requested Range Not Satisfiable', 'Cannot satisfy request range.'], '417': ['Expectation Failed', 'Expect condition could not be satisfied.'], '500': ['Internal Server Error', 'Server got itself in trouble'], '501': ['Not Implemented', 'Server does not support this operation'], '502': ['Bad Gateway', 'Invalid responses from another server/proxy.'], '503': ['Service Unavailable', 'The server cannot process the request due to a high load'], '504': ['Gateway Timeout', 'The gateway server did not receive a timely response'], '505': ['HTTP Version Not Supported', 'Cannot fulfill request.']}}
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def get_settings_json(self): return json.dumps(self.settings_file, indent=4)
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class Reliquary: # Initial Variable Settings # cogitation_verbosity = 0 cogitation_certvalidation = True cogitation_username = "" cogitation_password = "" cogitation_authkey = "" cogitation_authcert = "" cogitation_headers = "" cogitation_endpoint = "" cogitation_bibliotheca = {} cogitation_errors = {} # We're pretty much picking up our configuration data def __init__( self, input_settings, input_user=None, input_pass=None, input_endpoint=None ): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(input_settings, "r") as json_filehandle: json_settings = json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File: " + str(e)) exit() try: # Let's start with basic global settings self.cogitation_verbosity = json_settings["settings"]["verbosity"] # Provide the option to specify the endpoint with the constructor, or pull it from the file if input_endpoint and input_endpoint is str: self.cogitation_endpoint = input_endpoint else: self.cogitation_endpoint = json_settings["settings"]["endpoint"] # TLS Tuning self.cogitation_certvalidation = json_settings["settings"]["tls"][ "validation" ] # Authentication Settings self.cogitation_username = input_user self.cogitation_password = input_pass self.cogitation_authcert = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"][ "certificate" ] self.cogitation_authkey = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"]["key"] # Load Known API Actions self.cogitation_headers = json_settings["settings"]["headers"] self.cogitation_bibliotheca = json_settings["plays"] # Load HTTP Errors self.cogitation_errors = json_settings["errors"] except Exception as e: print("E0002: Error Loading Settings! Settings Dictionary:") print(json.dumps(json_settings, indent=4)) exit(str(e)) self.validate_url(self.cogitation_endpoint) # Functions # Do API DELETE, using basic credentials def do_api_delete(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_delete_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_delete_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_delete_r = requests.delete( do_api_delete_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_delete_r.status_code print(response_code) do_api_delete_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_delete_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_delete_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_delete_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Do API GET, using basic credentials def do_api_get(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_get_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_get_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_get_r = requests.get( do_api_get_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_get_r.status_code do_api_get_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_get_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_get_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_get_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Do API POST, using basic credentials def do_api_pass( self, do_api_uri, do_api_verb="GET", do_api_payload=False, do_api_dryrun=False ): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_r = requests.request( do_api_verb, url=do_api_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), json=do_api_payload, ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_r.status_code do_api_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_url, "do_api_verb": do_api_verb, "do_api_payload": do_api_payload, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit() # Executor of the API calls. # Takes optional arguments (variables, payload) depending on which method is used def namshub( self, namshub_string, namshub_variables=False, namshub_dryrun=False, namshub_payload=False, ): # Sanitize the verb used to uppercase, fewer changes for mixup namshub_verb = self.get_play_verb(namshub_string).lower().upper() # URI is in JSON file namshub_resource = self.get_play_uri(namshub_string) # Grab the namshub payload from the json file, if it exists # If it already exists, you don't need to load it if not namshub_payload: namshub_payload = self.get_play_payload(namshub_string) # Test to see if either variables or payloads are required # If they're required and not present, don't proceed if self.get_play_requiresvariables(namshub_string) and not namshub_variables: sys.exit( "Error: Variables required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `--vars`" ) if self.get_play_requiresbody(namshub_string) and not namshub_payload: sys.exit( "Error: Payload required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `-b`" ) # Grab the variables, if it exists # From there, apply templates to whatever we can. if namshub_variables: namshub_variables = self.get_json_file_or_string(namshub_variables) namshub_resource = self.apply_template(namshub_resource, namshub_variables) # Check to see if the payload is a string before templating the payload if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is str: for i in namshub_variables: if i in namshub_payload: namshub_payload[i] = namshub_variables[i] # Make sure that the payload is a string before shippinng it to the API if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is not str: try: namshub_payload = json.dumps(namshub_payload) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Error processing API payload as " + str(type(namshub_payload)) + " " + str(e) ) # Now that the transforms, testing, pre-processing are done, let's send to an API! if namshub_verb == "GET": return self.do_api_get(namshub_resource, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun) elif namshub_verb == "POST" or namshub_verb == "PATCH" or namshub_verb == "PUT": return self.do_api_pass( namshub_resource, do_api_payload=namshub_payload, do_api_verb=namshub_verb, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun, ) elif namshub_verb == "DELETE": return self.do_api_delete(namshub_resource) else: sys.exit("Unsupported API verb " + namshub_verb + "!") # One-shot to apply templates to a given object string def apply_template(self, apply_template_template, apply_template_variables): try: j2template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string( apply_template_template ) return j2template.render(apply_template_variables) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Exception applying " + json.dumps(apply_template_variables) + " to " + apply_template_template + ". Error: " + str(e) ) def validate_url(self, validate_url_url): # 99% solution here is to validate that a URL provided is valid. This doesn't test it or anything validate = URLValidator() try: validate(self.cogitation_endpoint) except Exception as e: print('E0001: Invalid URL Formatting. Example: ""') exit(str(e)) def get_http_error_code(self, get_http_error_code_code): get_http_error_code_code = str(get_http_error_code_code) try: return json.dumps( self.cogitation_errors[get_http_error_code_code], indent=4 ) except KeyError: exit("Unknown HTTP Error Code: " + str(get_http_error_code_code) + " ") except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching HTTP Error code" + str(e)) # Fetch the URI for a given api call # Crash if it's not found def get_play_uri(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["uri"] except Exception as e: exit( "Exception fetching play URI: " + str(get_play_name) + ". Error: " + str(e) ) # Return JSON string from `dict` payload for a given api call if successful # If not, return false and don't crash if a KeyError is returned # This object has no value as a `dict`, because its sent to a REST endpoint directly def get_play_payload(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["payload"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch what RESTful verb is to be used for a given api call # Crash if it's not found def get_play_verb(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["method"] except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play method: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch whether or not an api call requires a file payload def get_play_requiresbody(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresbody"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) # Fetch whether or not an api call requires variables def get_play_requiresvariables(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresvariables"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e)) def get_json_file(self, filename): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(filename, "r") as json_filehandle: return json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File " + filename + ": " + str(e)) exit() def get_json_file_or_string(self, input): # Recursive method to return a dictionary even if we're passed a dictionary if type(input) is dict: return input # Try to load as a string try: return json.loads(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) try: # If it fails as a string, try to load as a file return self.get_json_file(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) sys.exit( "Error: " + input + " is neither a valid JSON string or filename!" )
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def __init__( self, input_settings, input_user=None, input_pass=None, input_endpoint=None ): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(input_settings, "r") as json_filehandle: json_settings = json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File: " + str(e)) exit() try: # Let's start with basic global settings self.cogitation_verbosity = json_settings["settings"]["verbosity"] # Provide the option to specify the endpoint with the constructor, or pull it from the file if input_endpoint and input_endpoint is str: self.cogitation_endpoint = input_endpoint else: self.cogitation_endpoint = json_settings["settings"]["endpoint"] # TLS Tuning self.cogitation_certvalidation = json_settings["settings"]["tls"][ "validation" ] # Authentication Settings self.cogitation_username = input_user self.cogitation_password = input_pass self.cogitation_authcert = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"][ "certificate" ] self.cogitation_authkey = json_settings["settings"]["authentication"]["key"] # Load Known API Actions self.cogitation_headers = json_settings["settings"]["headers"] self.cogitation_bibliotheca = json_settings["plays"] # Load HTTP Errors self.cogitation_errors = json_settings["errors"] except Exception as e: print("E0002: Error Loading Settings! Settings Dictionary:") print(json.dumps(json_settings, indent=4)) exit(str(e)) self.validate_url(self.cogitation_endpoint)
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def do_api_delete(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_delete_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_delete_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_delete_r = requests.delete( do_api_delete_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_delete_r.status_code print(response_code) do_api_delete_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_delete_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_delete_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_delete_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit()
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def do_api_get(self, do_api_uri, do_api_dryrun=False): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_get_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_get_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_get_r = requests.get( do_api_get_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_get_r.status_code do_api_get_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_get_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_get_url, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_get_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit()
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def do_api_pass( self, do_api_uri, do_api_verb="GET", do_api_payload=False, do_api_dryrun=False ): # Perform API Processing - conditional basic authentication try: do_api_url = self.cogitation_endpoint + do_api_uri self.validate_url(do_api_url) if not do_api_dryrun: do_api_r = requests.request( do_api_verb, url=do_api_url, headers=self.cogitation_headers, verify=self.cogitation_certvalidation, auth=(self.cogitation_username, self.cogitation_password), json=do_api_payload, ) # We'll be discarding the actual `Response` object after this, but we do want to get HTTP status for erro handling response_code = do_api_r.status_code do_api_r.raise_for_status() # trigger an exception before trying to convert or read data. This should allow us to get good error info return do_api_r.text # if HTTP status is good, save response else: print( json.dumps( { "do_api_get_headers": self.cogitation_headers, "do_api_get_url": do_api_url, "do_api_verb": do_api_verb, "do_api_payload": do_api_payload, }, indent=4, ) ) except requests.Timeout: print("E1000: API Connection timeout!") except requests.ConnectionError as connection_error: print(connection_error) except requests.HTTPError: if self.get_http_error_code(response_code): print( "EA" + str(response_code) + ": HTTP Status Error " + str(response_code) + " " + self.get_http_error_code(response_code) ) return do_api_r.text else: print("EA999: Unhandled HTTP Error " + str(response_code) + "!") exit() # interpet the error, then close out so we don't have to put all the rest of our code in an except statement except requests.RequestException as requests_exception: print(requests_exception) except Exception as e: print("E1002: Unhandled Requests exception! " + str(e)) exit()
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def namshub( self, namshub_string, namshub_variables=False, namshub_dryrun=False, namshub_payload=False, ): # Sanitize the verb used to uppercase, fewer changes for mixup namshub_verb = self.get_play_verb(namshub_string).lower().upper() # URI is in JSON file namshub_resource = self.get_play_uri(namshub_string) # Grab the namshub payload from the json file, if it exists # If it already exists, you don't need to load it if not namshub_payload: namshub_payload = self.get_play_payload(namshub_string) # Test to see if either variables or payloads are required # If they're required and not present, don't proceed if self.get_play_requiresvariables(namshub_string) and not namshub_variables: sys.exit( "Error: Variables required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `--vars`" ) if self.get_play_requiresbody(namshub_string) and not namshub_payload: sys.exit( "Error: Payload required by play, but not provided! Specify as a JSON dictionary with `-b`" ) # Grab the variables, if it exists # From there, apply templates to whatever we can. if namshub_variables: namshub_variables = self.get_json_file_or_string(namshub_variables) namshub_resource = self.apply_template(namshub_resource, namshub_variables) # Check to see if the payload is a string before templating the payload if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is str: for i in namshub_variables: if i in namshub_payload: namshub_payload[i] = namshub_variables[i] # Make sure that the payload is a string before shippinng it to the API if namshub_payload and namshub_payload is not str: try: namshub_payload = json.dumps(namshub_payload) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Error processing API payload as " + str(type(namshub_payload)) + " " + str(e) ) # Now that the transforms, testing, pre-processing are done, let's send to an API! if namshub_verb == "GET": return self.do_api_get(namshub_resource, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun) elif namshub_verb == "POST" or namshub_verb == "PATCH" or namshub_verb == "PUT": return self.do_api_pass( namshub_resource, do_api_payload=namshub_payload, do_api_verb=namshub_verb, do_api_dryrun=namshub_dryrun, ) elif namshub_verb == "DELETE": return self.do_api_delete(namshub_resource) else: sys.exit("Unsupported API verb " + namshub_verb + "!")
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def apply_template(self, apply_template_template, apply_template_variables): try: j2template = Environment(loader=BaseLoader).from_string( apply_template_template ) return j2template.render(apply_template_variables) except Exception as e: sys.exit( "Exception applying " + json.dumps(apply_template_variables) + " to " + apply_template_template + ". Error: " + str(e) )
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def validate_url(self, validate_url_url): # 99% solution here is to validate that a URL provided is valid. This doesn't test it or anything validate = URLValidator() try: validate(self.cogitation_endpoint) except Exception as e: print('E0001: Invalid URL Formatting. Example: ""') exit(str(e))
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def get_http_error_code(self, get_http_error_code_code): get_http_error_code_code = str(get_http_error_code_code) try: return json.dumps( self.cogitation_errors[get_http_error_code_code], indent=4 ) except KeyError: exit("Unknown HTTP Error Code: " + str(get_http_error_code_code) + " ") except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching HTTP Error code" + str(e))
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def get_play_uri(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["uri"] except Exception as e: exit( "Exception fetching play URI: " + str(get_play_name) + ". Error: " + str(e) )
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def get_play_payload(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["payload"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e))
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def get_play_verb(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["method"] except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play method: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e))
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def get_play_requiresbody(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresbody"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e))
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def get_play_requiresvariables(self, get_play_name): try: return self.cogitation_bibliotheca[get_play_name]["requiresvariables"] except KeyError: return False except Exception as e: exit("Exception fetching play requirement: " + str(get_play_name) + str(e))
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def get_json_file(self, filename): # Load Settings from JSON try: with open(filename, "r") as json_filehandle: return json.load(json_filehandle) except Exception as e: print("E0000: Error Loading Settings File " + filename + ": " + str(e)) exit()
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def get_json_file_or_string(self, input): # Recursive method to return a dictionary even if we're passed a dictionary if type(input) is dict: return input # Try to load as a string try: return json.loads(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) try: # If it fails as a string, try to load as a file return self.get_json_file(input) except Exception as e: if self.cogitation_verbosity: print(str(e)) sys.exit( "Error: " + input + " is neither a valid JSON string or filename!" )